Supports Lisa Bennett, Adam Biggs, Jody Hughes, and Esteban Soto

Laura M. O’Brien, PLS, CP, joined the university in October 2020 where she provides paralegal support to the staff attorneys for the Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs.
Laura previously was a Senior Legal Assistant at the Office of the Attorney General, providing litigation support to the General Litigation Division for seven years and the Transportation Division for ten years.
Laura earned her Associate of Applied Science Degree in Paralegal Studies from El Centro Community College in Dallas, Texas. She is a Certified Paralegal and a Certified Professional Legal Secretary
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Flawn Academic Center
Suite 438
Campus Mail Code: G4800
Austin, Texas 78712
Mailing address:
Peter T. Flawn Academic Center
2304 Whitis Avenue, Suite 438
Mail Code: G4800
Austin, TX 78712-1714